Why I do Fasted Cardio and what the Benefits are..



Fasted Cardio is cardio done while in a “fasted” state, where in your stomach is empty, but it’s a bit more than that.- It has to do with how your body processes and absorbs the food you eat.

When you eat food, it gets broken down into various molecules that your cells can use, and these molecules are released into your blood. Insulin is released as well, and its job is to shuttle these molecules into cells. Depending on how much food you eat in a meal, your insulin levels can remain eliminated for several hours (anywhere from 3 – 6+).

When your body is digesting and absorbing what you’ve eaten, your body is in a “fed” or “postprandial” state (prandial means “having to do with a meal”). Once it has finished processing and absorbing the nutrients, insulin levels drop to a “minimum” low (or “baseline” level), and your body enters a “fasted” or “postabsorptive” state. Every day your body moves between “fed” and “fasted’ (or “postprandial” and “postabsorptive”) states.

Well,blood flow in the abdominal region burns faster when your in a fasted state which means the catecholamines can reach this stubborn fat easier, resulting in more mobilization of it.

This is where I’ve personally really noticed a difference in cutting and with fasted training. When I include fasted training (both cardio and weightlifting), the journey from about 9% to 6%, where the majority of the fat you’re losing is the “stubborn” stuff, is noticeably faster  when I do Fasted Cardio.

You don’t have to train fasted to lose fat and get lean, but it’s a valuable strategy that you should consider trying. Or not its completely up to you. If you are a person that needs to have something in their stomach before they start working out, then by all means listen to your body and become intuitive with it.

This Process is especially true if you’re lean and wanting to get really lean because you’re going to be dealing mainly with stubborn fat stores that can be very slow to disappear with just diet and exercise alone.

Just Remember Fasted Cardio is not for everyone. Its something I enjoy because ..

  1. I like to get my workouts done in the mornings.
  2. I can feel my metabolism burn more when im active in the Morning .
  3.  I am never Very Hungry in the mornings. I just make sure I hype up on my Post workout.
  4.  Like I said it doesn’t work for everyone… But if you are looking to boost up your metabolism or your at a fat loss plateau, I would defiantly advise putting some fasted cardio in to your Schedule.



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